
Welcome to 2025! Let's take stock...


That's it, we've said goodbye to 2024 and now welcome 2025. This passage made me want to restate the basics of who we are and what we do.

HOSPTORE isn't just another vendor or distributor, and we're going to prove it! (yes, we've had enough of the "ah, you're only in the buy-sell business...")

It's time to make yourself a cup of coffee or herbal tea and relax, I've got some things to tell you 😄


As you know, we've been organic since the beginning (2017). Not out of opportunity - although given the state of ecosystems, all wills are good to go - but out of conviction. To change the world! And that's all there is to it.

To support and promote agriculture that is more respectful of natural balances and the health of all.

This label isn't a panacea (nothing is perfect or magical), but it's something nonetheless. And in the world we live in, it's far from being a detail, easy or anecdotal. Neither for the producers, nor for us. First and foremost, it's a choice, but in practice and on a daily basis, it's looking more and more like a battle. So for us, it's ORGANIC, and so far, it's just that!

... but not only

We didn't stop there, of course. Because changing the world takes more than a label.

First, our purchase prices.

When we made our commitment to our partner growers - because yes, we made a commitment, and with some of them until 2029...! - we discussed varieties, volumes and prices. And there we validated prices that were not only honest, but respectful of their commitment and remunerative of their work. Our aim has always been to ensure that they feel at ease with our partnership, and that they enjoy and benefit from working with us, so that it works over the long term.

Time is important. It allows us to talk to each other, to tell each other things, to build trust, to make adjustments, to plan ahead, to look ahead. We're not the middlemen who line their pockets at the expense of the farmers; we're the team that helps them sell their produce at a fair price.

See the nuance?

Then our sales prices

Our prices include the fair remuneration of the producers, as well as, like everyone else, what we need to operate: rent, insurance, accountants, audits, maintenance, utilities, bank charges linked to e-commerce, various costs linked to the online store, transport, travel, consumables, salaries, Urssaf, loans, taxes, etc.

But in addition, and in solidarity with producers and brewers who have seen their overall costs soar - even though ours have obviously followed the same trend - we haven't raised our selling prices for several years.

Classy, isn't it?

With sober operation

Then, of course, we thought about our materials:

      • adhesives with recycled or kraft materials (although more expensive),

      • pallet film with recycled materials (idem),

      • green energy (idem),

      • recycled paper (idem),

      • two-page/sheet printing whenever possible,

      • reusing all our drafts (yes, yes),

      • reuse of cartons (which earned us a visit from the fraud control authorities, whom we had to convince that it wasn't deception...!),

    • refusal of useless goodies and tote-bags (even if others do it and it helps you to be known/appreciated).

Only stickers pass this barrier, because we like stickers and they are sometimes useful... watch out for your next boxes of orders...

And in solidarity!

But our solidarity doesn't stop with our producers or our brewery partners, we're also keen to contribute to the common effort: to this end, we regularly make donations to associations and NGOs that are working to put the world back on track or prevent it from going further off course!

We're talking about it on the blog to introduce you to these initiatives, in case you hadn't noticed.

Notice to other sellers... 😉

Avenues for improvement

We can't be on all fronts, but there is of course room for improvement, especially on two major issues related to the environmental impact of our business:

  1.  multi-layer hop bags are non-recyclable... except that this is a subject we can't tackle on our own, as it's so complex and burdensome,
    1. the impact of our website, because digital technology is extremely energy-intensive: there are options, but the compensation isn't always as beautiful as it seems, and changing things radically isn't without risk. So it's in the pipeline, but we're taking it easy - we can't crash or lose the store. Hm.

    I can hear some people saying, "What about New Zealand hops that come by plane? Well, New Zealand hops that come by plane...come with the passengers! So we're optimizing transport for planes that would be flying anyway.

    And no, the boat is not better (contrary to what Biocoop was advocating until recently). What we need to realize is that transport by boat is no longer done by sailboat - except for Grains de Sail, bravo team! - but by supertankers, which use the disgusting diesel that can't be used for cars/trucks and frankly disrupts marine life.


    HOPSTORE it's two people, a couple for 20 years (holy cow!) and... that's it.

    That's all, but you know you can count on us. And we do everything we can. Our job - the tip of the iceberg as far as you're concerned - is to make your life easier.

    Yes, you can:

        • we set up - and were the first to do so 😎 - an online store, accessible anywhere, anytime, so you can order as seamlessly as possible,

        • we have changed courier carriers several times to offer you the best prices, delivery times and delivery guarantees,

        • when there's the slightest difficulty with an approach, we're pro-active and keep you informed,

        • in over 98% of cases - no, I haven't done the math, but it's about ça☺️- we can provide you with hops for brewing,

        • we have doubled the sourcing of certain key varieties so that we are "never" in a bind,

        • we strive to have a wide choice of noble EU or ultra aromatic NZ hops to suit all tastes,

        • information is available and accessible: harvest year, prices, Alphas/Betas/Oils indices,

        • a wide range of packaging options to meet individual needs,

        • with contracts, we manage your entire hop subject (sourcing, routing, storage, staggered shipments, etc.),

      • Last but not least: by e-mail or telephone, there's always someone to answer your questions. ALWAYS.

    Not bad for such a small team. And if we've supplied over 1,000 different customers (pro, micro, brassam) since we started out, it's certainly because we're a partner you know you can count on 😉


    NO, we're not just another middleman, and YES, we show every day that it's possible to do business differently. With heart, seriousness, solidarity and fun!

    We hope this progress report will confirm your decision to work with us on a regular and long-term basis.

    We also hope all this will make you proud to source your Organic Hops from HOPSTORE !

    We thank you all for your confidence⭐.

    A huge big up to those who talk about us on the networks, in interviews, articles, etc.. It warms our hearts... and if it helps us get known...😍


    Almost a cry from the heart, this article 😉

