Agriculture, Combat, Solidarity

We support Earth Rising

A collective fighting to preserve land and water, these precious and fragile common goods.

Who are the Earth Uprisings?

The "Earth Uprisings" are an attempt to build a network of local struggles while at the same time stimulating a broader movement of resistance and land redistribution.

It's the will to establish a real balance of power in order to wrest the land from industrial and commercial devastation.

"We are rebellious young people who have grown up with ecological disaster in the background and precariousness as our only horizon. We fought against the labor law, police violence, racism, sexism and climate apocalypse."

"We're residents in struggle, attached to our territory. From legal recourse to direct action, we have won local victories. In the face of the concreters, our resistance is multiplying everywhere."

"We are farmers. There are hardly any left in France. We strive to establish a relationship of daily care for the earth and living things to feed our fellow human beings."

"We are: you, me, you. All those who feel isolated and powerless in the face of the atomization of struggles, the difficulties of taking action, and the voracity of the owners. Those who have been waiting for more of us to join the fight. Now's your chance to join us in our actions and reflections!"

More precisely, according to their Wikipedia page:

"Les Soulèvements de la Terre" is a French radical environmentalist protest collective. Founded in January 2021, the movement is opposed toland grabbing and fights against certain development projects, including " mega-basins ", freeways, and the Lyon-Turin high-speed rail project.

It expresses its demands through demonstrations, civil disobedience and sabotage of industrial infrastructures it considers polluting. It brings together around a hundred associations and collectives, and in June 2023 claimed to have more than 110,000 members, all demonstrating their allegiance to the movement.

On June 21, 2023, Interior Minister Gérald Darmanin announced the dissolution of the movement, provoking strong reactions, notably fromAmnesty International and the Ligue des droits de l'homme. This dissolution was suspended in summary proceedings on August 11, 2023, then annulled on November 9, 2023 by the Conseil d'État."

To find out more, their manifesto "Premières secousses" is available in bookshops everywhere.

Topics for mobilization


  • Against land artificialisation,
  • Against mega-basin projects,
  • Against land grabbing

Yes, "AGAINST", and that's what we think it's important to support. We can't all - or at least not all the time - be on the bridge, on the very front line, standing up and resisting the titanic and ridiculous projects of those in power. So we must support those who are there, fighting to protect what is essential to us.

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