Agriculture, Experimentation, Solidarity

We support Les ateliers icare

We're all for versatility in the workplace!

About Les Ateliers Icare

Les ateliers ICARE is an association of employees and freelancers committed to reconciling Work and Ecology. The association experiments with alternatives to productivism, through collaborative workshops (on societal needs, new trades...) and field projects (poly-activity, low-tech...)...

"In June 2020, the ICARE collective was born in Toulouse, on the banks of the Garonne. At the time, we were a group of direct or indirect aeronautics employees, all aware of the social and environmental issues generated by the current model of society.

Our group was formed in response to a letter from Atécopol calling on aeronautical workers, in addition to similar letters fromstudents and NGOs. 

After two years of existence, and having co-organized or participated in numerous events, it was decided to formally constitute an association.

And so, in the summer of 2022, the association Les Ateliers Icare was born, with the aim of opening up to all polluting sectors, such as maritime, digital, road transport, heavy industry, agriculture, and not forgetting the historic sector for our movement: aeronautics.

The collective has set itself three overall objectives:

  • Work to ensure that all economic sectors are compatible with planetary limits and the IPCC's 1.5° scenario
  • Preserving jobs by diversifying our businesses: identifying skills in teams, identifying needs for the ecological and social transition, matching skills with needs
  • Preserve jobs by the collective reconversion of employees from polluting sectors to less impacting or even virtuous sectors for the environment, climate and social. We are part of the Social and Solidarity-based Environmental Economy."

Focus on the Polyactivity experiment

The 2024 polyactivity experiment (see here) has the following objectives:

  • From concept to action
  • Unite people around the global, medium-term project of chosen polyactivity, show support, communicate, start structuring partnerships
  • Start structuring one or more development models (organization, finance, etc.)
  • Live a collective experience rich in encounters and learning, spending time on an agroecological farm.

It comprises two programs:

The "4 days in the office, 1 day on the farm" (4B1F) program is an extension of the2023 experiment, and involves volunteers spending a few days in May and June on a farm near their home. Anywhere in France.

The ICARE workshops are proposing this experiment as part of a more global vision for the gradual transformation of work and production in France, to restore meaning and contribute to the most essential activities. Let's make sure that citizen involvement in these tasks, on at least one day a week, and ideally part-time, becomes the norm in a few years' time!

Two explanatory leaflets are available to explain how the 4B1F experiment works, whether you are a polyactive volunteer or a host farm. Registration on a dedicated form is necessary for the association to be able to run the 4B1F program properly, which is a collective experiment.

The aim of the program financed is to move towards a situation of polyactivity that is sustainable over time, and with remuneration.

Farms or polyactive volunteers, companies, local authorities, join us!

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